As Nigeria Decides
The 2019 general elections comes up in a few days time.
If you are a registered voter, go out and vote your conscience if you so decide.
Do not involve yourself in atrocious activities, unnecessary arguments neither should you as a sane self-respecting citizen resort to violence.
Be objective in your choice of candidates; do not be short-sighted in your choice and do not let your sense of judgement be clouded by temporary gain-you will lose more in the long run.
In addition, let's know that Nigeria needs God. We have changed government times unnumbered but the land is still the same. The truth is we cannot really change a man on the outside, a brand new Nigeria begins within each Nigerian.
The change we need is a real change in the heart of every Nigerian. The next level to go to is godliness. Nigeria will only work again if we involve God and His will. The only thing we need to take back is the heart of Nigerians from ungodliness.
In conclusion, fulfill your civic responsibility to your heart's delight but know that if the Lord does not build Nigeria, the labourers labour in vain.
What do you think about this? Please share your thoughts with me.
Thanks for reading.
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